Hello again! Today I would like to continue with False friends /Falsi amici. These are words which look very similar in Italian and English, but be very careful (!) since they often have very different meanings. Take time to carefully study a handful of useful Falsi amici and you will gradually improve your vocabulary.
Accomodare doesn't mean to accommodate but to arrange / (to) accommodate is translated in Italian as alloggiare.
Affrontare means to face, to deal with something / (to) affront is translated in Italian as offendere, oltraggiare.
Agenda means diary. Agenda is used to mean l'ordine del giorno of a meeting.
Annoiare doesn't mean to annoy but to bore / (to) annoy is translated in Italian as irritare, dar fastidio
Accomodare doesn't mean to accommodate but to arrange / (to) accommodate is translated in Italian as alloggiare.
Affrontare means to face, to deal with something / (to) affront is translated in Italian as offendere, oltraggiare.
Agenda means diary. Agenda is used to mean l'ordine del giorno of a meeting.
Annoiare doesn't mean to annoy but to bore / (to) annoy is translated in Italian as irritare, dar fastidio